• 我知道此公司不是医生、配镜师或验光师,我应该在下单前咨询眼科医生,尤其是有度数的镜片。
• 我同意结账页面中列出的所有订单/度数/选项/详情都是符合和正确的。
• 我用自己的信用卡/支付宝账户购买商品。或者我有权在经过他们的同意情况下使用他人的信用卡/支付宝账户进行购买。
• 我了解如果没有适当的护理或没有遵守指导,佩戴隐形眼镜本身就会有受伤和眼睛感染的风险。我已阅读佩戴和保养指南以将风险降至最低,并了解永远无法完全消除受伤的风险。
• 我明白地方税或关税是我的责任。
• 我同意由当地海关部门造成的任何延误不属于此公司的责任。
• 我了解如果我出于任何原因想取消订单,我将被收取购买总金额的10%的管理费,如果商品显示已发货 我将被收取30%的管理费,在这种情况下 运费不给予退款。
• 我同意所有可用的运输方式都已[无须签名]为基础,并且包裹可以送到住宅保安亭/门口/信箱。
• 某些国家和银行,可能会在您的卡上收取外币费用/电子转账费用。
• 我全权负责跟踪包裹信息。
Terms of service
Terms and Conditions of Purchase Order
*Important Terms and Conditions
- I understand this company is not medical doctor, opticians or optometrist and I should consult eye doctor before placing order, especially with power prescription lenses.
- I agree that all the orders / prescription / options / particulars listed in the check out page is correct and true.
- I am purchasing the product with my own credit card / alipay account. or i have the permission to make the purchase using others credit card / alipay account with their consent.
- I understand that wearing contact lenses by their nature carry risk of injury and eye infection if lacks of proper care or guidelines are not followed. I have read the WEAR&CAREguide to minimize the risk, and understand that the risk of injury can never be totally eliminated.
- I understand that the local tax or custom duties are of my responsibility.
- I agree that any delay caused by local custom department is not a responsibility of this company.
- I understand that if I wish to cancel my order for any reason, I will be charged 10% of administration fees of the total amount purchase and I will be charged for 30% administration fees if the product has been shipped, in this context, shipping is non-refundable.
- I have read and agree with the Refund&Cancellation Policy and Return&Exchange Policy.
- I agree that all available transportation methods are based on [no signature required]and the parcels can be delivered to the residence front desk/door/letterbox.
- Foreign currency charges /electronic fund transfer may apply to your cards in some countries and banks.
- It is my full responsibility to keep track of the package until it gets delivered to me.
*Your privacy is very important to us. You can check our privacy policy to understand how we collect and use your personal information.